Tuesday, May 25, 2004


It has been known for years that part of the arctic -- mainly the ocean-covered part -- is warming up. And nobody knows why, though it seems to be part of some natural fluctuation. Other parts, such as Greenland, may actually be cooling down, as may antarctica. So today all that is hot news again and cause for a big panic. Even the panic merchants admit how localized the effects are, however: ""There is dramatic climate change happening in the Arctic right now... about two to three times the pace of the whole globe," said Robert Corell, chairman of the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment" and: "Some parts of Alaska have heated up 10 times more than the global average, said Corell". And in a supreme example of illogic, what is responsible for these LOCAL effects? Why, GLOBAL warming, of course.

I suppose someone will have to read the 1800 page report, which "combines input from scientists, indigenous peoples and eight Arctic-rim nations", but it won't be me. See my post below of 19th for more on arctic ice.

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